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Rumors on the Elder Scrolls 6 release date revealed

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Many gamers are asking questions as they wait for the Elder Scrolls 6 release. First, what is this game's name? It's been known under a variety of names, including High Rock, Hammerfell, Morrowind, Cyrodiil, Skyrim, and Tamriel. These rumors are discussed in the video below. We also discuss what to expect in the game.


The Elder Scrolls 6 has not yet been released, although it was announced in 2018. Bethesda stated that the Elder Scrolls 6 would be out in 2018, but it has not been released yet. Starfield will be released in 2023, as the company's main focus. Bethesda CEO Todd Howard is yet to comment on the game’s release date. He stated that Indiana Jones will not impact the development of the game.

Starfield is currently under development and was revealed alongside The Elder Scrolls 6 during the E3 2018. Xbox Games Showcase. We've been left with very little information. We aren't sure what we can expect, but we know it will feature a space RPG. Todd Howard, the game's developer, said that it was built using Bethesda’s Creation Engine 2.

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While the Elder Scrolls series was renowned for its expansive worlds as well as deep plots, this latest installment is even more ambitious. The world Elsweyr hosts the Khajiit, an alien tribe that lives in Tamriel's southern region between Valenwood & Black Marsh. The Khajiit can be described as a cat-like species found in The Elder Scrolls. Others consider them to be thieves. Although this race isn't known to exist since the Arena, it could be an interesting Elder Scrolls setting.

Although this has not been confirmed yet, there are some hints. Elder Scrolls 6 will be available a decade after Skyrim's launch date. Starfield won't be released until the game is fully developed. Therefore, it's unlikely to be released until the mid-2020s. In the interim, Starfield will be available for players to download until the game is released.

Summerset Isles

The Summerset Isles, an island region that is almost unknown to the rest of The Elder Scrolls, are known as The Summerset Isles. It is home for the High Elves (Altmer) races. This area is famous for its vibrant forests and coral caves. It also has ancient towers. However, rumors abound about the possibility of the Stormcloaks invading the region. It is possible the developer has in mind to give the savage creatures a native status and make them a formidable villain.

As Tamriel Unlimited's next expansion, the Elder Scrolls Online was recently announced. This new expansion is scheduled to launch in the middle of this summer. It will introduce players into a new region and feature special quests. Players will now have the chance to visit Summerset, home to the elves. Summerset was not mentioned in the original series. However, Elder Scrolls games that were set in the area have never been made.

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The Elder Scrolls VI could be a sequel. It would take place at Argonia and may feature a world that is similar to Valenwood. There are many theories. Bethesda teases the game's launch date for years. To find out more about Elder Scrolls VI, we'll have to wait.

The Elder Scrolls 6 release time seems to be 2021. A few tweets have already surfaced, indicating that the game's release date is not set until 2021. Elder Scrolls has begun to circulate the first teaser. It shows a map that has three lights. If this is indeed a teaser, it could mean a lot.

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Rumors on the Elder Scrolls 6 release date revealed